
Well yesterday was a good day for Amelie so today had to be a bad day, going by the pattern of late. And it was. I think she actually spent longer crying this morning than Isaac did, which was rather a lot in itself. I was going to put him in the sling as I normally would after his first feed but I decided to try and settle him so I could shower and express some milk. HAH, that didn't happen. He did lie nicely in his moses basket whilst I showered and Gran and Amelie played, but cried as soon as I got out. It was a miracle that we were ready to go to nursery at 12. But we were and off we went. After dropping her off, my Gran and I went to Waitrose to get food for lunch and dinner and came back. Chris was home as he is back on nightshift so we all had lunch and then he went to nursery to collect Amelie. Isaac had a lovely peaceful sleep in his chair. Obviously he was woken up by his big sister when she got in! Amelie had painted a picture of a flower for Gran and two flowers for Granny and Papa, she had to skype them to show them. I managed to get my ironing done before making dinner (fajitas) and then we bathed the babies and got everybody ready for bed. Amelie was out like a light, obviously exhausted after her first day back at nursery.

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