Beautiful Morning

No 3 is back to normal - thank goodness. After 14 hours sleep and two bowls of breakfast cereal, she was back to her old self by Monday morning.

Today she went to the Brownie shop with Mr S to pick out her new Brownie Uniform (NOTHING like my old uniform !) - and she was so pleased with it - she kept it on all day.

I had a really nice dream about my mum last night. I woke up feeling very loved. She had been drinking a few Whiskeys at 'the club' and was back home to straighten the armchairs and cushions in the front room to get ready for viewers. She wanted her good Crystal glasses out to pour herself another drink but my sister Fee and I didn't want to give her one. She looked great. Not ill. Younger. Her cuddle felt strong and healthy and she smelled of a new perfume.

She was asking about the house sale, and wasn't too impressed with the offers so far (she said my brother had told her).

I wasn't surprised to get a call from the solictors today, a young couple asking to come to view the house. My friend did the viewing and said they were a lovely couple, who were getting married later in the year (all the previous viewers have been (as my mum would say) "not OUR kind of people").

Fingers crossed they put in a half decent offer. We would love to think of a new family moving in and growing up there. The neighbours are wonderful!

Beautiful day this morning. Captured these as I was leaving for work.

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