Views of my world

By rosamund


My other craft project, apart from sewing, during this holiday is finishing the scatness tunic. I've been doing the stripey border for the button bands and collar for the past few days, all that remains is the I-chord bind off.

It was a glorious day that drew me out into the garden, I tidied up the back which had lots of sticks, bark and sawdust on the grass where a tree came down, and was subsequently removed, in the winter. The tree had also taken out half my washing line so I got that tied back up and the first washing of the season hung out. The drying green as at the top of the garden up a slippy hill so I have to wait until the ground dries out before I can get there safely whilst carrying a basket full of wet laundry.

I also spent some time tidying up the front steps with the weeds and plant pots. I had looked out yesterday and noticed the flower of a weed sticking up above the steps so figured it was time to take action. Afterwards I had my first cup of tea of the season out on the steps in the sunshine, it was just glorious.

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