Do NOT fire it at people!

Hard to know what to do with a new pump action water gun when soaking people is banned. The plants are doing well out of it so far.

Went for a run this morning, the first for 9 days. It was really hard work, why the hell did I enter this bloody race in the first place OK but seemed to take ages. My legs have ached all day.

But jobs to be done, I went to Lidl where they have a new bakery and jus sell the most beautiful rye bread. Just what I need, a gorgeous, huge loaf that no one else on the house likes.

Then, continuing the "making the garden seem much bigger" theme, I chopped back the majority of the massive bamboo, squeezed it all in the car and took it to the dump. Garden now appears enormous, I need to buy new plants.

Went out to dinner with George and Irina, tried to persuade George she should move to Worthing. The children have essentially played mine craft all day, I think I should probably do something about that tomorrow.

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