bucks life

By bucksmiss


Work was productive again. With miserable M out on a day's holiday the atmosphere was much lighter than usual. He needs to lighten up as he makes everyone feel uncomfortable. If he's not happy no one else is allowed to be. I'm thinking of saying something to HR as it's really a problem for us. Mind you, I probably annoyed a few people today with my constant sneezing and nose blowing. Whoops!

My blip is of 9 pieces of A4 downloaded from the land registry. I had to fit them together in the right order on the desk to work out my client's land holding. If they'd just numbered them it wouldn't have taken me ten minutes of head scratching. I felt like I was a school kid doing a jigsaw and I was ridiculously pleased with myself when I worked it out!

I stocked up on face cream on the way home as I've noticed I can't even go a day without moisturising these days. After a brief rest of my eyes with the Archers (til the alarm woke me) I had a decent curry but sadly didn't feel up to going out to the Maundy Thursday service or vigil so I'm going have an early night.

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