bucks life

By bucksmiss

Good Friday

I slept badly but woke to the wonderful news that my colleague K, had her baby boy, Lucas, at 1.55am and so maybe I was awake in sympathy. She was kind enough to send me a photo and he looks just like his Dad...

After a pleasant lie in, I buttered 24 hot cross buns for today's 'meet the new bishop' bun fight. Then my lodger and I headed off to the farm shop in his new smart BMW which was rather a luxury and we took the scenic country route through Foscote and Chackmore. It was such a beautiful morning, I just drank in the blue sky and green everywhere.

At the farm the 10 week old piglings (already blipped on 11 March) were pushing and shoving and grubbing around their sty and mum seemed very fed up of them. They kept pushing their water bowl over too. In another 6 months they'll be on the plate...

After a bit of a stock up for the freezer, I came home and prepped the meal for this evening. L's wife, P, one of his boys and Lottie Dog (hurrah!) are coming for the weekend and I'm doing a roast for this evening. I also baked a cheeky banana, hazelnut and date loaf.

I then dashed off with the buns to the very solemn 2pm Good Friday service which was hugely emotional, as ever. The bishop's sermon was excellent. I didn't feel too good at the end so left them to the hot cross buns and didn't formally meet the bishop. There'll be another time I'm sure. I've come home for a wee lie down for an hour or so, so I'm fresher for this evening.

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