Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Sights, sounds, smells...

A slight problem with the rooms last night - ours was very noisy (above a night club/restaurant) and we asked to move, but I must say, the showers are the warmest and best of the whole trip.

Today the options were: a guided tour of the town, fresh sardines and chips for lunch and a hammam in the afternoon. We did none of these, but chose to just have a wander.

The harbour area was fantastic in the morning. All the fishermen selling wee boxes of fish - some were very strange looking (the fish, not the fishermen). Essaouria stray cats, of which there are hundreds, must have a pretty good life. And the seagulls.

We walked right along the beach - lots of games of football (in proper team strips) were taking place. Then there were the kite flyers and the wind surfers. And at the other end were the horses and camels. We went to check out the camel saddles, and they were NOT like the ones we had in the desert. They were proper ones, lifting you off the camel's backbone. That would have made all the difference to my desert ride, which I will always recall with horror now. I think I will write to the Moroccan Tourist Board, if there is one. Of course, the charming camel owner wanted a few Dirhams because I took a photo of his camel!!

There was a wee old bent lady shuffling along with a stick, begging in the square. I gave her a few Dirhams, and she grabbed my hand and kissed it. We both (JR and I) burst into tears. What's a noisy hotel room in the scheme of things?

A pastry, a coffee and a wee rest at the hotel, then back out for an evening stroll, this time with jackets on. I think it's always windy here, being on the Atlantic.

We found a cafe with a terrace looking out over the sea, just in time for sunset. We joined a couple of English folk and had a good chat with them - they were just starting their holiday. They were very excited, as their son and daughter in law had just completed the adoption of a wee 9 month old girl today. They had photos of her. One of the lucky ones. Of course, I mentioned that we were getting a wee puppy soon...

A wander round town in the evening. Hustle and bustle doesn't cover it! What sights and sounds and smells.

Marrakech tomorrow, our final destination. I think the hotel is comparative luxury!

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