4years 180days old. Four official blip years.
Of my beautiful girl. Of capturing my beautiful girl in photographs. This place I have in which to do that is so special to me. Her journal is the most precious "keepsake" I could imagine. There are so many incredible memories, some of which are the tiniest little things that I have totally forgotten until I look back - the ridiculous things she said, the adorable moments we've shared. I love it. Thank you blip. Thank you my blip friends.
She chose the photo today. She chose her beautiful dress. She cycled all the way to the woodlands in her supermonkey tshirt. She cycled through the woods, her first proper "off roading". She changed into her adorable sailor dress and pettiskirt and played in the woods. She loved her balloons. She loved the flowers and the twirling. She loved snuggling up afterwards in several coats and having a picnic brunch in the flowers. She was highly amused when Mummy had to retrieve the balloons from quite high in the tree above us after they came off the bike. She climbed trees, she played hide and seek, she rode more in the woods. And still, she cycled back to town, then back home! After the prerequisite babyccino, with a bit of celebratory jelly and a stop to "the nice man that talks to her" at the market. Who also happens to sell cake and gives adorable children bonus sweeties. Always a win for Katie.
After all the miles, shes spent the afternoon eating me out of house and home, while looking all squishy and adorable in her snuggly sleepsuit.
Thank you Blip xxx
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