View From The Hill

Not my intended shot for today, and as the weekend has slipped away none of the entries for my journal set out the adventures.

Friday night was hockey night, the twins playing Fraser totally fired up, he is a funny little person, he skates fantastically well but unlike the other kids chasing the puck wanting the glory of the goal even at nine he models his play on his favourite player Zajac a defenceman and he is content in the main to hang back and provide cover. In the last month he seems to have played particularly well and we rewarded again with a second man of the match award in three games. Mimi skated really well but announced that next season she would like to try out as a net minder, I am sure a summer of twin one and I firing pucks at her may serve to change her mind...

Saturday was a slightly different skating experience, I have not skated in months, the twins wanted to go and skate and so off we went. The rink was very quiet, only really some of the older hockey boys playing British Bulldog. Fraser despite is tiny stature was immediately invited to join the fray and was soon charging full tilt up and down the rink. I skated with Mimi, she had opted for her figure skates and she and I worked on some jumps and spins away from the hockey boys... Not having skated in so long after about 40 minutes my arches were agony and I left the ice to re-tie my skates, as I was sitting the bold boy came off the ice at a bit of a pace, blood running from his brow quickly followed by the paramedics anxious to deal with his head. It turns out he had faked out one of the older boys so well that they had lost balance and as they struggled to stay up they tripped fraser who was then catapulted headlong into the barrier. Suffice to say cut and concussed it was not a great end to the day but as today arrived he was inspecting his face happy that in stashing the Arnica he was bruising beautifully.

Easter Sunday; it is hard to believe we are nearing the end of April, the weather has been kind this last week if still cold and I hope that it continues to improve and warm. Today the shot is the view from the hill above our river looking down river, a stillness I again enjoyed in contrast tot the bustle yesterdays entry which I hope you enjoy

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