twinned with trumpton


TheLong and Winding Road- sorry - Cycle Path

Slept fitfully; still wired after the A9 extravaganza of yesterday.

Busy day today, too! Car to return, so I stuck the bike in the back, and had agreed to smooth the way back to school so headed across town at snail's pace, got them at 9, to school and then work before dropping the car.

Originally booked 12 appointments (6 am 6pm) but after I'd read e mails, I was down to 2 ams! And no real chance to reschedule. And the first one was not in...

2nd was, then dropped in to see Barry; an hour of tea and hoover fixing and chat. We have agreed to try and do Arfur's Seat once a week, maybe evenings, maybe Sunday mornings. (We're doing Ben Chonzie on Sunday, so we'll trash the details out then) He asked lots about S, about Orkney, about work. Think he's really missing social contact and looks like he might be taking Drs advice and I think the Seat thing is as much to see someone as to keep fit.

Afternoon got off to a good start too, I cycled from Baz to NFBW to find no one in, and then had to cycle back to nearly Baz; the mid PM was fine (really really really really really really stroppy mare customer who was massively indignant but lost the moral high ground a wee bit with her big reveal of a 50% wage increase, undeclared. Ooops...

Rain set in towards the end of the day, and again I trekked from Porty to Granton via Leaf to go back to Porty for 1730, to get another no show.... Loved the elemental ride along Porty prom, all grey, angry looking, bare. And the cyclepaths too, largely devoid of life, and glistening in the steady rain, speckled with cherry blossom.

In, hot bath, gnocchi with blue cheese, spinach, pine nuts and long chat with her mulling over Orkney, the Xs, and intermittently sifting photos / blipping Cigs.

But all day feeling like a steam roller had run over me and then come back to do it again before a third one just to make sure....

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