My Best Efforts - Year 3


And Now there are Bluebells....... my garden.

They seem to pop up all over the place - which I like - I think they enjoy going walk-about! They are such a lovely shade of blue and smell so sweet.

(Quite good on large - sooc)

I don't know what is going on with Anni on her mission to Scotland! It all sounds very mysterious! I expect I shall learn more once she's sorted it all out.

BOUI are, of course, about bluebells! :-

1) Bluebells are poisonous to eat, but the chemicals found in them are currently being researched for potential medical uses.

2) Archaeological evidence has shown that Bronze Age people used bluebell glue to attach feathers to, or 'fletch', their arrows.

3) The sap was used to bind pages into the spines of books.

4) Their bulbs were crushed to provide starch for the ruffs of Elizabethan collars and sleeves.

Emily Jane Bronte wrote a poem called
The Blue Bell, which begins:

.......The blue bell is the sweetest flower
.......That waves in summer air;
.......Its blossoms have the mightiest power
.......To soothe my spirit's care.

It is a beautiful morning - much nicer than yesterday - temperature at 55 Deg F.

Have a lovely St. Georges Day.

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