All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Introducing Baby Lallybroch at 10 minutes old!

Having arrived back at the hospital at 11.30pm last night, I fully expected to be advised I'd be kept in overnight for monitoring again. What I didn't expect was for the registrar to tell me as the bleeding was so bad this time that she was seriously considering delivering the baby right away but was going to phone her boss for a 2nd opinion! I was shocked to find out that he agreed and not long after midnight I was getting taken into theatre, in complete disbelief at how the evening had turned out! I was only 34 weeks and 5 days pregnant and really hoped I'd get further along.

Unfortunately I needed a general anesthetic and there were a few complications which meant I was in theatre for an hour and a half, but at 12.44am, baby Ethan was born! Despite being so premature he was a great weight - 5lb 12 oz! He was very swollen though due to having RDS and he was taken straight up to the special care unit. I needed a blood transfusion and to be honest don't remember much about that day as it's a haze of morphine! Once I came round, I kept asking to see him and just after 8pm they finally wheeled me up to the special care unit for my first look of my precious baby. I was so tired I could hardly keep my eyes open, but what an emotional moment it was seeing him for the first time.

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