Sweet Potato Sky

By sweetpotatosky

The Shortest Day of the Year

SD card still not being picked up by my camera so am limited to 8 photos a day on the 2MB one I found in my drawer. Eeeks. Its like giving myself another challenge everyday. The photo I took here I'd probably have taken about 20 versions of otherwise. I'd have made sure I took loads so I'd have at least one to work from. Not now. I have to be really selective about what I photograph. :)

Have been covering for a sick colleague for the last couple of days which has resulted in a wee bit of a backlog but managed to get it all done today. Yay. Never thought I'd be excited to be doing my accounts work. Bleh. ;)

Spent the afternoon looking at recipes I want to try. Never good when you're trying not to eat much. I saw lots of desserts I want to make in the new year, in particular a banoffee pie that looks quite complicated but delicious. I also really want to try pineapple upside down cake - loved it when I was younger but haven't made it for years. Mum's been cooking a lot the last couple of days which has probably prompted this dessert cooking binge. She made her Christmas chocolates today which look great - I might Blip them tomorrow. :)

Went food shopping today and couldn't believe how busy the shops were. I know that sounds daft with only 4 days to go til Christmas but on a Monday night I suppose I wasn't expecting the huge crowds that were there. I get a bit antsy when I'm literally just going shopping for one thing and there's people there with giant trolleys of stuff just lingering around and staring blankly into space. Does my head in.

Christmas Nice Thing Day 21: Made copeous amounts of tea for one of the tenants at work because she's got really bad flu. Poor her. :(

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