Still Here!

By Yorkhull

Hardraw Force

Today I woke up feeling tired. It happens sometimes. So I had breakfast and took a rest. I was anxious I would miss out as the forecast was for heavy rain at 12. Anyway after a couple of hours rest I woke up to find the weather still dry but rather dull. I decided to seize the day and set off for one of my favourite haunts Hardraw Force near Hawes. Best viewed LARGE,

On the way I passed by an old camping site of mine which brought many memories flooding back. I recall bringing my kid brother around 12 he was then to camp here in Hawes. He is fifty now!

One of my favourite memories is a trip to that campsite with a new colleague circa 1980. He had just started work as a probation officer and was lodging with me. I thought it would be great to get to know him better and planned this weekend away in Hawes. He was a soft southerner (apologies to all soft southerners!) and I thought he needed to know of the delights of the north. We set off after work on Friday evening arriving at the campsite around 7pm. We pitched the small tent quickly and headed down to the pub in Hawes. We got ourselves some smooth hand pumped Theakstons and sat down. I was chatting away about the area and what we could do tomorrow and B seemed to be grunting agreement. As my glass emptied I looked up from my reverie about walking in the Dales and glanced across at B. He was fast asleep. His grunts were snores. I got another pint enjoyed the beer before waking him. He was mortified.

B and I became good friends over the years though I have to say I have never let him forget this incident. Oh for an iPhone then I could have snapped it for posterity.

So I visited Hardraw Force for the umpteenth time and took some pics. It was a dull day and the Fall itself was bouncing off the rocks so I thought mono might work well. I am now putting more pics on Facebook, if you have found my page there.

I know Friday is collections day but being away from home I cannot oblige. Apologies. Though just to keep the collection growing, my lunchtime tearoom at The Cart House at Hardraw had its own fridge magnet so this will be joining my collection.

Have a great weekend folks. Now for some serious work!

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