
By pattons6

Grandma & grandad tired me out

What a day, I was up at 8am this morning. Mummy brought me down for breakfast and my milk. I was very happy to sit cuddling mummy drinking my milk and eating fruit.

We then both got dressed to go to the shops. We had to get a few things, lunch, dinner and a bedrail for me. I haven't been settling in my cot the last few nights but will climb in to mummy's bed no problem. So tomorrow mummy has promised to take the sides off my cot. Oh I can't wait.

We then went to grandma and grandad's. I got to play with all my toys and show grandad the contents of my handbag, along with my doctor set. I was exhausted so fell asleep on the way back.

When I woke my brother and sister were home. I was so pleased to see them. When daddy got home I was super excited to see him. I had a big roast dinner, didn't like the chicken though so ate ham instead.

I had some FaceTime with grandma and grandad before bed, I gave them both stickers and kisses before I said bye bye.

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