Day Two

Hi Tom

Had yet another wonderful day in London. Woke up latish and went out for breakfast. I actually ate a full English breakfast which I haven't done for years.

We went back to the hotel and spent a couple of hours swimming, going in the sauna, steam room, jacuzzi and this other hot pool where you could just relax or swim. It was so lovely.

We booked out of the hotel then went for a walk and found a lovely little terrace where we had a nice glass of wine.

Then it was off to Westfield's for some shopping and more food. I now have a new swimming costume and sports bra and I bought dad two really nice t.shirts from All Saints.

Off to the pool for the diving. It was incredible. How they dive off the 10m board like they do is quite amazing. It was lovely seeing Tom Daley dive despite he came in fifth. He flunked his second dive and there was no coming back even though his last ones were pretty good. The Chinese seem to have this diving wrapped up. They won the men's and women's 10m and deservedly so.

It's been a great two days. I've loved every minute if it.

I'm in London again tomorrow!

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