wait just one more shot

By Susanbmathew

Was it a dream?

I texted my posse band this morning and asked "did that really happen last night?"
For those of you who teased expressed concern for my morning.......I was fine. The champagne had no lasting effects. I did manage to eat a chocolate croissant, ibuprofen and lots of water before bed. Obviously a remedy I need to market.
(I will however never blip again under the influence as parts make not a lot of sense)
Today was a blessedly quiet day. I did get up and start raking the yard this afternoon. This my take a while. When I was accessing the needs of the jungle in my front yard garden, I noticed the Spirea. It has beautiful chartreuse leaves and pink flowers. Every year I bitch think I am going to yank it out ..... Then it reminds me that is a cool addition to an overcrowded garden.
Listen if you are around Falmouth Maine and want some plants, please stop by. I seriously have tons to get rid of.
My husband and father have talked me out of ripping out all of the shrubs out front.
They are overgrown and I want to start from scratch.
Anyway, I am going to take down the Clematis and scrape and paint the front of the house. Eventually the rest but, it looks like someone neglected it for far too long. Umm that would be me.
So this is the month I put my big girl panties on take control of this.
Wish me luck.
Oh yes people I get to handle sharp objects and I think there is an animal living under the front porch.
Pray for me.

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