Sweet Potato Sky

By sweetpotatosky

You choose TODAY to let us out?

The cats don't normally get out. They're very much housecats and they're okay with it. They like to look outside and stick their nose to the window but never try and get out which works well for me. I live near to the city bypass and in a village where people let their dogs roam quite freely. They've been let out at my parents since their garden is quite enclosed but never here.

Until today.

Being housecats they're not really fans of the cold. So letting them out in the snow was quite a shock to them. They did eventually venture out but not for any length of time and always came back in quickly. Poor Lucy was shivering badly when the eventually came in and hid under the bedcovers with a 'please don't make me do that again' look on her face.

Because of the really heavy snow (about 6 inches overnight) I didn't make it into work. I let my boss know early and intended going in at lunch when the roads cleared but she told me just to stay home. So I had an impromptu duvet day which was LOVELY. :) Lay in bed most of the day (don't judge me...) and watched Christmas movies. My friend came over tonight and we watched yet another Christmas movie with Reece Witherspoon (who's seriously thin looking now...) and Jennifer Aniston's ex (I forget his name....).

Christmas Nice Thing Day 23: Um....stayed home and kept the cats company today? ;)

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