............two days.............

Didn't manage to get a shot yesterday (Sunday) but I thought I'd better let you know why.

Sunday 27th April 2014

Weather wasn't bad this morning...a bit breezy and over cast...but the fishing was fantastic...in a little more than 4 hours I managed to catch over 20 roach, 2 perch, a skimmer.....and three lovely Crucian carp.

This afternoon the weather picked up......and I was home in time to see Chelski derail the Scousers tilt at the Premiership title.........of the three teams still in contention I'd like to see Chelski win it........my mate Shaun is a Chelski fan...........God help me.......I never thought I'd ever say this but the Noisy Neighbours would be my second choice.....because I suspect they would get it on goal difference....which isn't really a win.......it's a share with another team...............and last........and I know this won't go down well with some of my friends on here....... would be the Scousers...mainly because we'd never here the last of it.

This evening a storm threatened.....it never materialised but...........suddenly out of nowhere I began to feel really ill........hot, sweaty, nauseous, headache........in fact I had to go to bed at 8.30! So no night out with the boys.Wonder how I'll feel in the morning?

Monday 29th April 2014

Woke up this morning after a really peaceful night...........first in ages......rolled out of bed........boom it hit me....felt just as bad as when I went to bed............got to the bathroom.it felt like things wanted to happen........but nothing did........but I could barely stand...by 7.30 I knew I wasn't going to make work........at least not on time...so I phoned in sick.

Tried to go back to bed but couldn't sleep............suddenly around 9.20....panic stations......made it to the bathroom..............just........several volcanic eruptions later.........I managed a glass of water...and 10 minutes later I felt wonderful........so I went to work. A busy, intense but short day...........hebs even came for a walk with me at lunch time when I decided I could face a fag....stayed late to help some pupils complete their course work.

When I got home I realised that a little niggle that I have been feeling in my right knee for the last couple of weeks had blown up to very painful.......I think I may have a torn cartilage....can't afford to be off work in the next four weeks......so I'm going to see how it goes with Ibuprofen..........but if it gets really bad I will go to the doctor....promise.

Another storm threatened tonight.........but didn't put in an appearance.

As I hadn't eaten all day I managed to wolf down two hot dogs....which the Daughter had made..she has a problem tooth...had been for dental treatment...and couldn't face anything more solid.........and then we went to the quiz......I drove because I couldn't walk that distance.......and I didn't want to drink much anyway. We had a successful night........won a bottle of wine for the Music quiz.......songs from the 90's....I surprised myself....with some help from the Daughter.........and then we won the main quiz....scoring 40 out of 41!...........another £20 voucher towards our Christmas meal.

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