Anni Mamundi

By An1ma

I'm learning to like flies..

..So long as they don't go 'zzz' in my face.

(Yes..You crane flies, you all know who you are).

I was awoken this morning (by the radio) from a vivid nightmare. (We had entered a lift (with a Japanese lady?) and it tipped upside down and was hurtling speedily downwards, just as Himself said 'this is not good I'm afraid'... A fact of which I was all too lucidly aware) all of which might (?) have made me just a tad Mrs Grumpy for a while*.

The day progressed. The Good builders came back after an Easter break.

There is now rubble in the kitchen :-/

And other stuff I'm not even going to talk about, owing to the 'we're staying positive' vibe we're maintaining here at Mundi Towers :-)

Is it too early in the week for a glass of something red**?

*Note to anyone who lives with me (!)... Tickles, as in pinches (pinches though!) around the waist, are not overly welcome, if the mind is processing nightmares. Especially (especially!) whilst an electrical toothbrush is busy in the mouth, however well-intentioned and (possibly) full of love :-/
And yes. I have let go now.

Pretty much.

**If anyone suggests blackcurrant squash I might have to pull off their arm and hit them with the soggy end.
In a positive way.

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