Sarah's 2014

By nellie0508

Parcel in the Post

This morning whilst eating breakfast I heard the post drop onto the mat and thinking it must be a boring bill or some junk mail, when I found a pretty parcel addressed to me I was super excited.
I opened it to find it was from Lindsey and she had sent some cute treats including fairy stickers, a Shakespeare cookie, some Pirates pencils and a lovely long letter. I read it whilst I finished my breakfast and enjoyed hearing all about the costume projects she has been working on including the Avengers, Cinderella, Outlander and others that all sound super exciting. It was nice to hear from her and I shall write back to her soon.

Work was fine, made better by my Bard gingerbread cookie that I took for lunch, and in the evening after I left I met up with Luke and his friend Chris from university who is in town for a training course.

We went for dinner at Pitt Bros the BBQ place where I had pulled pork with mac and cheese and burnt end beans, and Luke and Chris both had the mega meat meal with ribs, pulled pork and brisket with fries, onion rings, corn on the cob and bone marrow mash! The food was good and very filling.

Once we had finished eating we headed to Dakota bar for some drinks, we all had cocktails and Chris chose an Appletini which he described as lovely! He had only ever had ones before that weren't that nice! I had Cosmopolitans and Luke had whisky and amaretto sours. It was fun and nice to talk to Chris about his architecture work, Luke enjoyed hearing about his projects and was excited by the hopes of working in architecture when we get back to Manchester.

Today I am grateful for after work dinner and drinks spent with new and old faces.

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