Sarah's 2014

By nellie0508

Carey & Keane

This is Ted's veterinary clinic Carey & Keane where we took him today to receive a check up and get his pet passport ready for our move back to the UK.
New regulations mean he has to have one now and had to get a rabies shot even though there is no rabies in Ireland or the UK. He was a very brave boy although he kept jumping down from the exam table to explore the surgery room! When we came home he had a meat stick for being so good.

We have booked him in to board in the vet's at the end of the month when we fly over to look for a new house to rent. It is just for a few days but I know he doesn't like it there so it always make me feel sad for him.

For the rest of the day both Luke and I were really lazy and just watched tv and he played his games on the X-Box. I also wrote back to Lindsey and started another letter to Fiona which I shall post along with her belated birthday gifts this week.

In the afternoon I ran myself a hot bath and soaked for a while to relax; it was a good bath, normally I make it too hot or too cold today's was great. As soon as I got out the bath my PJs were back on for the rest of the night!

I had butternut squash soup for dinner before getting ready for bed.

Today I am grateful for Ted being in perfect shape and ready for moving back home.

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