
By kas18

What A Mess!

Hi Tom

This is your bedroom at the moment. We have used it as a dumping ground for the contents of Alex's room while it was being decorated. Now I have the awful task of sorting though it.....because your BACK IN TWO DAYS!

To be honest I really don't know where to start! I've opened the door to your room and shut it again. It's got to be done....because your BACK IN TWO DAYS!

I think I need to be ruthless and have a good clear out. I've been doing that in my bedroom and the bathroom. It's amazing how much stuff I've collected. I'm using the golden rule....if you haven't worn it or used it in two years, then get rid. It should be Alex who sorts his stuff out but I'll be waiting forever for that to happen and I don't have time to wait......because your BACK IN TWO DAYS!

Yesterday and today I've devoted myself to the house. I did go to boot and I have been swimming. I think sorting the mess is a good exercise on it own. Hope I burn a lot of calories doing the clearing as it will be worth the effort, and I really need to burn the calories due to much over eating and drinking in London.

Well I had better get on as you can see I have quite a lot to do. Guess what.....I'll be seeing you IN TWO DAYS!

And I can't wait x

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