at home with an Ivysaurus

By MoGrant

A good shoe viewing vantage point

This is ivy in her pram for the first time in a while. She's smiling away because she rather likes the boots she's wearing- she was waving her feet about and grinning.

Had a breastfeeding peer support training catch up session this morning - was a bit miffed, because I missed swimming with the other mums to sit through the first hour of a two hour session to watch someone else be caught up on the session they'd missed and I hadn't, but they got to leave in the second hour which was my catch up. Could have been slightly better organised I think. Ivy was very well behaved, although she did play a game of 'nurse until the milk flows, then come off and giggle at the fountain of milk and mummy trying to catch it '

Went to the polytunnel in the afternoon, discovered aphids on the apricot. Smooshed them! Counted 19 ripening strawberries.

Ivy was not her normal amicable self in the late afternoon. She wouldn't stop crying, until she threw up spectacularly all over me and then she instantly cheered up. She's been getting lots of finger food now she can eat herself - she was trying to feed herself a piece of pepper left over from her Dinner, while Euan tried to feed her her nightly breast milk porridge.

The pa st 3 mornings ivy has gone back to sleep after getting Euan up at 6 to play, and when she's woken up and I've gone to get her she gives me a Kiss on the cheek. I'm really enjoying my good morning kiss, I hope it's a habit she keeps

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