at home with an Ivysaurus

By MoGrant

Super baby!

No Ivy's were harmed in the taking of this photograph (although one daddy did nearly have a heart attack and needed a sit down afterwards)

Lovely day today- all the dirty linen and towels washed and hung out the line with new pegs.

In the afternoon we went round to play in a paddling pool with Seb. Ivy managed to keep an apricot in her mouth no handed for a good 30 minutes that covered a pram ride round, smiling at people saying she was pretty and playing in the pool. She fell over in the water and I think she was most upset about the fact she dropped her apricot.

After school we're going swimming since she missed out on a trip yesterday. Water twice in one day- she'll be super clean ready for a bath tonight.

I'm pretty sure Ivy is trying to say 'boob'- she goes 'bi! bi!' when she's wnating to latch on. Typical- she learns Daddy and Boob before Mummy- shows where her priorities are.

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