at home with an Ivysaurus

By MoGrant


So yesterdays photo won a prize! I posted it to the totsbots (the people who make the nappy she was wearing) page and we won a brand new v4 nappy. I'm very pleased. I showed the uncropped version to Elena earlier today and she saw exactly how high in the air Ivy is- I think Euan has been scored off her babysitting list....

This is a picture of Ivy's 'eh?' face. It's a sound she makes in reponse to her name and I think it is the funniet thing so repeat it back to her. We have whole conversations that go 'ivy!' 'eh?' 'eh' 'eh' 'eh?' 'Eh!'. It was captured just as she was trying to steal the camera so excuse the poor framing.

Euan has gone south- so it's just me and Ivy here this weekend. We went to the allotment this morning in glorious sunshine, and then in the afternoon Elseanne came to play in teh garden (when of course the sunshine went away). Got some lovely shots of Elseanne trying to eat Ivy.

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