I think something is hiding!!

Packed out day!!

The gent who has framed my latest cross stitch picture delivered it this morning. I will blip it when there is a spare day!!

We then went over to RHS Hyde Hall, south of Chelmsford. They were hosting a craft and artists fair, so I thought that it would be added interest. Not that there isn’t enough to see, with all the beautiful gardens.

I bought a Christmas present (sorry to mention that word when we are not even half way through the year), but it’s for someone who I struggle to buy interesting presents for.

We did the food shopping on the way back, to save another trip out to the supermarket.

I had a lovely long chat with R (daughter No 1 and only) and caught up with all the latest news at home and at work!!! Things are progressing well, so exciting!! We haven’t seen R & P since we came back from New Zealand late March, so look forward to meeting up in a couple of weeks for a short event and delivery of gifts from NZ.

The Great Tit babies are doing well and look to be growing!! How can I say that when they are only 48 + hrs old!! What amuses amazes me is their toileting behaviour. The hatchling (a baby bird that has only recently hatched and has little or no body covering) sticks its bottom in the air and Mum or Dad takes the poo sack and either eats it or takes it away!! No pooing in the nest for these babes!!!

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