
Had a lovely day, it helps when the sun shines.

Had a great boot session. It was really hard but I really enjoyed it. We had a new trainer. My hubby met me having run from home...it was 5.5 miles....and we went off to have breakfast while the rest of the house guest were sleeping. I think we had about 8 extras sleeping over last night. As long as they don't mind where they sleep then I don't mind who stays.

Breakfast was really nice. My favourite scrambled eggs and smoked salmon and a very healthy wheatgrass drink.

Came home to feed Tom and his friend Cam, then it was a trip to Gatwick so Cam could get his flight home for the summer. His mum can't wait to have him back either....he's such a nice lad.

The roads were great so it didn't take us long to get there and back. Once home we opened a nice bottle of wine and sat by the river to drink it.

Maisie the water babe loved jumping into the water to fetch anything we cared to throw in for her. She loved it.

While we were drinking our wine guilt got the better of us and we decided to do the garden. Hubby mowed the lawn and I did some weeding. When you have a garden as big as ours (3 acres) there is always so much to do and it's hard to keep on top of it. I think we need a gardener.

BBQ tonight, then I think we will watch a film.

I've loved today...maybe having my boy back helps :) x

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