Hi Ya Cynth!

A lazy Sunday.

1. 7:25 a.m.... Merrick wakes us up. (Why does he have to wake up so early?)
2. 8:30 a.m....Band practice. (I just run the sound board.)
3. 10:oo a.m....Church.
4. 11:15 a.m....Sunday School.
5. 12:15 p.m....Hot dog potluck lunch.
6. 2:15 p.m....2 hour nap. (Oh yeah!)
7. 4:15 p.m....On TV...a little basketball...and a little golf.
8. 6 p.m....Dinner at Big Boy with my daughter Karen on her birthday. (She is 33 today.)
9. 7:15 p.m....This big boy walked home from Big Boy. (3 miles.)
10. 9:30 p.m...Waiting for The Mentalist to come on.

Oops! Forgot one.
7.5 5:30 p.m....Walked to the neighbors to shoot these flowers.

Hope everybody has a great week.

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