Hill Top Ramblings

By janepetleyjones

Garden bumblebee Bombus hortorum

This year I am interested in bumblebees, mainly because they are doing a good job pollinating the garden in the absence of any honeybees.

I have got some information from the Bumblebee Conservation Trust, and I am trying to see which ones we have in the garden.

First step, photograph your bees. Easier said than done. When they stop, they have their heads stuffed down a flower. By the time you get them in focus they take off again.

This photo was a mistake, the shutter went after it had taken off. Miraculously it is a useful photo, as you can see the very long 'horse like' face which means I think that it is the Garden bumblebee.

One down, possible 20 odd to go, not to mention males/females. It's a start!

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