
By cowgirl

Preparing for the wedding ...

... The eagle has landed! All the travelling went well, although it rained for the 2+1/2hr drive from home to Luton. Bless Sav's cotton socks. Just ' Skyped' him and it's tipping it down with rain there again now.

Here it's warm and windy, but the sun has taken a day off! Hopefully he will have his hat on tomorrow.

Meanwhile, a series of photos needed to be taken for a film that will be put together for the wedding on Friday. Tali, Ilan, Lior and Shaked have been larking about with various words that will all make sense on the night ... Well, maybe, as my Hebrew is very rusty! ( Tali is the groom's sister ).

I should really be explaining all this much better but I've been up since 1.30am and really it's a miracle that I can even see the iPad, nevermind type. ( it's 8.30pm here, and we're 2hrs ahead of the UK. ). Hopefully I can write something more coherent tomorrow! " Lila tov "!

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