at home with an Ivysaurus

By MoGrant

Like a tampax advert

The blue water was a result of dissolved gelatin stars that i'd dyed blue for Ivy to play with. She managed to get a blue Ivy shaped siloutte on Granny Grant's nice cream cardigan...

Ivy didn't sleep through last night- Euan appeared with her at 3am apparently she'd been crying for a while and I didn't believe him. Perhaps she never did sleep through and it's just that I ignored her for so long she went back to sleep out of frustration...

Laura and Tim dropped off some more bits for the massive 5x5 expedit i've acquired for Ivy's room. Then Ivy, Me and Granny Grant went swimming, to meet a friend- but it turned out the time we'd gone was only for over 50s- so Granny Grant stayed and Ivy and I went home and read some books together.

During Ivy's morning nap a friend came round to drop her off some nice clothes (that she'll grow into). I don't like when Ivy's not awake when people come round- because they clearly want to see her. When Ivy woke up she played with the blue geletain and enjoyed some of the homemade bread her Pops had sent up for lunch (the big holes made it easy for her to hold).

In the afternoon, we went to the allotment and I earthed up some potatoes in a torrential downpour whilst Ivy and Granny Grant hung out in the polytunnel and chatted to some french woofers. Unfortunatly, at home Ivy fell over standing up in the book nook and hit her face on her spicerack/bookcase. She was very upset and had quite a sizeable lump between her eyes. To cheer her up she had a quick feed and then sat on Granny Grant's knee to eat and icelolly (origianlly intended as ice for the lump, but she wasn't for that). She was so tired that after ever sook she rested her head on Granny.

In the evening Euan and I went to a salsa class with visiting dance teacher Nigel May. Afterwards we went to the pub- got to take adventage of having a babysitter who doesn't mind how late you're home, don't you know...

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