
By Katy8

Look for happiness...... in the afternoon light

My mantra with my kids is "look for the good".
I say it over and over.....
We each recite 3 goods things about our day at dinner.........
It is easy to see and be overwhelmed by all the negative stories around us...we are bombarded by tragedy in the media ......daily.........
Surely the partner to "look for the good" is to "seek happiness"....
Know what makes you happy and stop to enjoy those things...make a conscious effort to enjoy and appreciate even the smallest of details.
I love flowers, I love candlelight, I love good coffee and nice wine. I love photography and the way it allows me to capture the beauty in our world.
I love the quality of the afternoon light as it fell on the petals of these beautiful asian lilies on my dining table ..............

Enough said.................

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