
By grounded

And it rained....

What a wet day! I wondered if it was time to go build an ark and collect some animals!

The day started with me struggling out of bed with my stiff back. Before heading out to the golf course for the NBC golf day. Secretly I was not too bothered about playing so having my back as an excuse was fine! I watched all 12 players tee off only to have to come in after 4 holes as the weather was so bad the greens started flooding. Everyone was quite happy to come in and have sausage, egg and chips and a voucher to play another day!

Came home and jumped in the bath for a long soak, as I was cold in sympathy for the players. Then wrote about 1200 words on the doctrine of Election for Spurgeon's. Just need to do a bit more reading and then tidy up my two assignments before handing them in on the 9th of Jan.

Back easing up nicely as the day went on and really not much pain at all now, just a bit of restricted motion. Wrapped pressies for family as we head north tomorrow.

Just need to go and do a bit of ironing and pack and goto bed now.

Please pray the weather doesn't stop us getting to Glasgow tomorrow!

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