
By MamaOfBoys

Drip drip drip

That was the name of today's school event at Marley's school, they had a whole day of water games to ignite the terms topic of water. There were a lot of games i think 8 in total and they rotated around them -there were water guns, and sponge throwing and ice cube melting which is whats happening in this pic, Marley didn't like this one at all he kept complaining how cold it was, the goal was to only use your body to melt it and whoever did it first got house points for their house, Mar's in kakariki.

After school he went to hid friends house for a play date, Andre picked him up at 5, he was really tired.

Another beautiful warm autumn day and my only day off from meetings this week!

Am mega tired though Andres on 630 am shift so he gets up at 5, every morning his alarm goes off that's it Harper's up and crawling around. Its meant i am getting my housework done, kids dressed and fed all before i walk out the door at 815 but ugh so tired, i haven't been going to bed until 10pm as soon as the kids come home its like a whirlwinds hit it, so along with dinner and pjs and the night time routine, there's more dishes to do and more cleaning to do. The days have been long and i am looking forward to the weekend!

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