After the laundry - bird laundry!

Greetings from the clean smelling group of budgies after being in bird laundry! Approximately 32 nails and one beak cut too. No biting marks, they are all so tame.
I would like to share with you, how beautiful and sweet a wet bird can smell, but unfortunately I only can tell you... Of course these four keep themselves 100% clean every day, so the shower is just fun for them, nice warm droplets to bath in. So there was so lovely singing after the shower. One of them (Santtu, the father of the group) sung even as I cut his nails with my daughter holding him.

A busy saturday. Birds was the last thing I cleaned - We togherer with teens cleaned the whole house - including sauna today. So Much Fun, felt good too! Maybe this was the present for the mother's day?

We have mother's day tomorrow in Finland, so I hope I'll have some bacon, eggs benedict and toast done to me in the morning. We'll see... ;)

Just before the Eurovision Song Contest strated, we had a little evening drive and as the sunset was so beautiful, I changed the blip and show you the view over the lake Näsijärvi

Thanks a lot for stars to my emergency droplets on the bud branch yesterday! So kind of you.

Have a nice weekend!


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