at home with an Ivysaurus

By MoGrant

The Ivysaurus turns out to be a party animal...

I'm often torn between putting up a pretty photograph of just general Ivy, or a bad photo of her doing something exciting and worth documenting. In this case it was choosing between one of her being pushed about by Elseanne or a shady phone camera picture of her up past her bedtime. I went for the latter.

A busy day. We said goodbye to Granny Grant in the morning and then whilst Ivy napped Elseanne came round to play (so her mum could clean for a house move)- she very much enjoyed Ivy's ball pit, but got a bit grumpy just before Ivy woke up from her nap and wouldn't accept anything but being held. Was a bit stuck as to how to get Ivy out of her cot when she woke up whilst carrying Elseanne but luckily one of the pupils I used to teach came round to drop off some books i'd lent him and very helpfully picked Ivy up for me. Elseanne and Ivy then played about together- I read them a story in the book nook- then Elseanne ate the book whilst Ivy looked on and then we played in the nursery. Elseanne is a fair bit bigger than Ivy and tended to be able to push Ivy out of the way to get to a toy. Ivy held her own though, when she was having a feed and Elseanne was trying to pull her off she resolutly held on with both hands and finished her meal.

After school on a friday we usually have coffee and cake, Ivy joined us in having a babycino (hot frothed milk) she spilt it all over Euan's trousers.

In the evening, we put Ivy down as normal then woke her up at 9.30pm to take her to a house party at Becky's (Ullapool's resident salsa teacher) house. I hadn't thought we'd managed to get her from her cot into her pram still asleep, but she stayed asleep till we left the house. I enjoyed holding her asleep- it's been a while. She was an absolouloute star at the party- considering it was well past her bedtime. This is her standing in the middle of the room so that everyone could admire her. The man in the background is Nigel May who took a salsa class Euan and I went to on Tuesday- Ivy had a dance with him and was fascinated by the colour of his skin (she's never seen anyone who hasn't got white skin before). The only time she got properly upsert was when Euan left the room- altough she was fine when I did. She had 3 quick power naps on Euan and managed to stay up till 2am.

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