
No 3 isn't well at all.

she spent most of today in bed - which is when you KNOW she isn't well - she never stays still, let along stays in bed.

When she was doped up with paracetemol and ibruprofen she was almost her old self, but as soon as either wore off, her temperature went up and she cried. Although on the plus side - she was VERY cosy in my bed !

We didn't do much today at all. I may have picked up something from her (or it may have been my small excesses of yesterday!) but I took advantage and lay on the couch with her.

This evening we planned a big family Eurovision sesh. But No 1 went to work, and No 2 went to the movies.

No 3 lasted (almost to the end) as she had slept so much during the day ! And she LOVED it ! Although it was tricky trying to explain to her why the lady who won had a beard !

Here's No 2 heading out to the flicks.

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