
Now I have to stress that just because I have posted a football photo it does mean I am a fan of Manchester fact I am not a fan of football at all!

I had taken a lovely ice cream cone shot today which I thought would be my blip, but then I read an email asking me to take pics of the Manchester City Parade. I debated whether to go in to town and thought I would give it a go but if the roads were closed or the traffic was bad I would just turn back home. Well, I was straight in and parked up before I knew it.

Albert Square was a mass of blue and I wove my way through the crowd until I was virtually at the front. I had to stand around for ages whilst they replayed numerous goals on the big screens...yawn...and people were interviewed...yawn. The best bit was when the Fairey's Brass Band played ha ha ha.

At last the players appeared and billions of blue and white ticker tape exploded across the Square. The noise was thunderous as fan cheered and yelled and it was actually quite exciting to be part of that. They then got on the open top bus and raised the near me nearly wet themselves with excitement. As the bus headed out of the Square I stupidly thought I could go home...but I had to go with the flow of the crowd as they melted towards Deansgate. I had to then stand around waiting for the bus to travelled at about 2 miles an hour. Eventually it passed and I could get home!! I uploaded the pics to Demotix but I had no idea who any of the players were.

I went to Bents this morning as I'd posted a photo on their Facebook page of their team in the Dragon Boat Festival yesterday. They had replied saying that they liked it. I said I had about ten others and to cut a long story short I headed down to the garden centre to show them. It was a young woman I saw and she loved all the pics, I said they could have the one I'd posted...I was only going to let them have the others at a price but she didn't ask for them sadly. She was grateful for the one I let them have, but she didn't even say we could have a cuppa on Bents! I wasn't impressed!!

Pat was with me and she also thought that the least they could have done was stand us a cup of tea. We headed home and bought an ice cream to sit out in the glorious sunshine with. I took a great pic of the woman in the Ice Cream Emporium pouring raspberry sauce on....I will have to go back and buy another one and take the same photo another day now...oh the hardship of being a blipper.

There are some more pics here if you like football, but if you are like me I quite understand if you don't want to look.

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