Shaw's Corner
I really enjoyed my working day today. It's not often I can honestly say that...
I caught up on some supervision this morning but ran out of time before I had to leave for my meeting.
I then got into the car in the warm sunshine and drove the 50 miles to see my clients in deepest, leafiest, prettiest Hertfordshire. I did a quick site visit when I arrived then spent two hours advising some people on a lease. Gratifyingly, they felt the meeting was more than worthwhile, which makes me feel good.
I tried to see an old colleague and friend who lives in the neighbouring village but she was late back from work so I thought I'd take a slight detour instead to George Bernard Shaw's house, owned by the National Trust and named Shaw's Corner, to practise some manual shots. I've been round the house before so, as it was a gorgeous day, very bright and a bit muggy I took a leisurely stroll around the super early summer garden. The insects were buzzing, the birds noisily chirping and it was yet another quintessentially English spot. I saw another photographer with two cameras compared to my one but felt a bit of solidarity especially as he spoke to me briefly, which I don't think he'd have done if I wasn't a fellow photographer...
My shots were all rather over exposed so I need to ask questions about that in class on Monday as I was trying to adjust to compensate for the very bright light. So my blip is one of the macros which came out better than the landscapes.
It was a slow drive home with queues, roadworks and annoying speed restrictions on the motorway. Just like old times. It used to be my old commute for 7 years. It reminded me how lucky I am to have just a 20 minute journey entirely on country roads to my work place these days. I never get stuck in a jam and rarely have to stop for a traffic light.
I'm enjoying a lovely quiet evening and there's only one more day til the weekend!
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