Losing your marbles.

Spent some time working in the garden again. Finally managed to get the plants from the greenhouse into the ground - and we had some nice Scottish rain tonight to water them in too ! (The nice soft stuff - not the slanty rain !)

I could hardly move tonight - after all the gardening. I must be getting old. I used to spend the whole weekend in the garden and didn't bat an eyelid. Tonight I needed candles and a bath and glass of bubbles to get my aching limbs moving again.

No 3 is in the middle of watching 'The Hobbit' on Netflix. I read the book in S1 (my English teacher gave me it as a little extra reading material). Loved it. But never enjoyed Lord of the Rings as much.

Seems she was introduced to Middle Earth watching Stampy's Minecraft episodes ! She asked if she could get the book to read it but I reckon 7 is a bit young !

Mr S brought back more goodies from Grandpa S's house. A big jar of Marbles (at school we played with these on the 'stanks') - and a Harmonica !

It's his Grandfather's dating just before WW2. No 1 loved it ! Although I'm not sure I could listen to the intro to 'Piano Man' again without screaming!

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