Goodbye Wee School

Just about to head home from work when I found out that my old Primary School was being pulled down in the summer, and there was an open night this evening for anyone who wanted a last look round.

Mad dash to Renfrew to meet up with an old school pal, Lou, and we plunged back into memories of school dinners, lumpy custards, The Heidy, The Janny, and tales of school mates.

Sadly we couldn't get into the old Victorian building - as the cleaners had locked it - but we managed a good look round the main building.

A funny story - I have a 'friend' on facebook - Karen, at least - I think she's a friend. She has the same name as an old school friend of mine, and looked similar - and she accepted my friend request a year ago. So she MUST be my friend? I met her at the school tonight (recognised her from her FB page!) - but oh how we laughed when I introduced myself and we found out we DIDN'T know each other at all ! But she reads my blips and we're friends now!

Maybe I'll find the REAL Karen one day !

Back at Lou's house for a cuppa - to find she has transformed her back garden into the biggest sandpit you have ever seen - with 12 tonnes of sand !

Seems the dogs like it, there's no mud, you don't need to cut it - made me wonder why I hadn't thought of it !

A great night - full of nostalgia and laughs ! Thanks girls. xxx

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