From where I'm sitting

By LoobyG

Happy #5

The hope of things to come - after two years of barren bushes, it looks like we might be in line for some blueberries this summer. Hurrah!

Other things that have made me happy today:
- the scales had moved in the right direction for the first time in ages: 2kg lighter than I was this time last week...
- enjoying lunch at the pop-up farmshop cafe in the village hall with my daughter after pre-school: a lovely healthy jacket potato and a truly wonderful piece of cake. Well, weight loss needs to be celebrated! Ahem.
- seeing Little G enjoy his homework of writing a recipe for cakes, topped only by witnessing his delight at being given a new toy compass. (The previous model was dropped yesterday after a little boy barged into him on the way to school, to much distress...)
- listening to my monkeys play in a "band" together after tea (at least, it was lovely until the squabbling set in!)
- the prospect of pizza with a dear friend this evening.... hmmm, something tells me the scales may not be so kind at the end of this day! ;-)

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