From where I'm sitting

By LoobyG

Happy #6

An unexpectedly sunny morning, and the flowers at the war memorial were putting on a fine display on our walk home from pre-school at lunchtime. For once, we stopped to have a look rather than rushing past. Littler G absolutely loves flowers, and is eager to learn more names than I can teach her.... I sense a project there somewhere.

Other things that have made me happy today:
- new road maps arriving for our adventure next week - starting to get properly excited (rather than just apprehensive!) now...
- ticking things off more quickly than expected from my to-do list this morning, and deciding which of the remainder I just don't care enough about to make time for this week...
- being greeted by a smiling boy at the end of the school day - a total contrast to last week.

May the sun shine on!

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