Ramblings from Zambia....

By dcafrica


The picture has nothing to do with the title. Our elections have taken a new turn today - I was in a very rural place in Mzimba at a meeting this afternoon when we were told the President had addressed the nation and declared the election last week null and void and that we would have another election within 90 days! Then I travelled home and tonight I hear that the High Court has overruled this and the election count will continue.

Then we are told that the MEC (Malawi Electoral Commission) have decided to recount all the votes a second time. Just now.........the SADC observer mission has declared the elections free and fair........

Who knows what the truth is, we will probably never know what is going on. Unfortunately tonight there has been sporadic trouble in Blantyre in the south of the country. Its still a case of watch this space..............

The reason I put this picture on my journal today - on the way to Mzimba we passed probably around 50 ladies like this one who had walked miles from the forest with this type of wood on their heads for firewood. I am sure this lady has no idea what is happening in the election and I am sure she does not really care either - she is trying to find ways and means of looking after her family....I wonder did she even vote.

Please pray for peace in our lovely land as the election battle continues!

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