Meet the Morgans

By familymorgan

I am taking part in the 100 days of Summer Photo Challenge. This is day one - Hope. I hope she's feeling better soon.

My poor little lamb spent most of last night being sick. She slept in our bed and Chris stayed with Isaac in their room. After the first bout I presumed it was after a day of too much excitement and food plus a late bedtime. Alas no, its a bug and has properly knocked her for six. Isaac ran through to us pretty early when I think she could have been doing with more sleep. She cheered up momenterily when I let her watch the new Tinker Bell pirate film on my phone but by the time it was finished she was miserable again. She had a little sleep and was sick again when she woke. Everybody else left to go to Noah's christening and I gave her a bath and settled her on the sofa. She was sick again but she's been drinking lots of water and attempted some dry rice krispies and some sliced banana. She is thoroughly miserable and exhausted. She is now having another little sleep so I'm hoping she feels much better when she wakes...

Its very bizarre just being us two in the house, I've done several washes and have the windows open to let in the fresh air. I'm missing my baby boy who has barely spent any time away from me since he was born! I think by the end of the day it will be the longest we have been apart. I'm sure he's having fun playing with his cousins and second cousins and aunties and uncles and great aunties and uncles... *sniff*

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