32.3 miles

Laura, Greg and I had a brilliant bank holiday cycle today. We set off from Wiv, called in at my Mum's for a loo stop and biscuit, then continued on to Walton via lunch in Frinton. We'd just arrived in Frinton and were locking up the bikes when it poured down and we got soaked! The café was warm, toasted cheese sandwiches perked us up, and the rain had stopped by the time we set off again. The ride along the sea-front was so windy we had dried off by the end of the short cycle to Walton. We'd planned to get an ice cream, but it was so cold we settled for a quick walk along the pier. Greg decided to get the train home, but Laura and I soldiered on back to Great Bentley. We had half-planned to get all the way back to Wiv, but the weather had turned and drizzle wasn't too much fun, so we let the train take us the remainder of the way. We still clocked up over 32 miles, and had a brilliant day. Our gang of 1994 Raleigh Max Ogre's hasn't stopped making us laugh yet, but I don't think it will be long before one of us cracks and buys a far more suitable new road bike.

Continuing the bike theme to the day, Mum came over after dinner and we took her bike down to the local Bike Kitchen to have a check-up and new inner tube. She's keen to get back into cycling too, so once the bike was useable I spent a while re-teaching her to ride her bike along the path outside my flat. It was very funny watching her try to master it!

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