Life in Sunny Dubai

By GadgetKid

Breakfast #2

Well - here we are on our last morning, having breakfast in Villa Shams! I had scrambled eggs and German sausages made especially for ME! They were delicious! On the right is the view from the breakfast room...

We left slightly later than intended. Actually, a lot later as I had planned to be home Saturday night. Drove through the hottest time of the day with the sun coming through the front window all the way. It was er. . . BAD! Gs car struggled at times in fact, at one point it came to a complete halt whilst climbing a hill!

Had a bit of danger when a group of camels got through a fence and wandered on the highway. They cause tremendous damage if they get hit by a car.

Got home at 3:20 and by 4:00pm I was showered, unpacked and a load was already in the washing machine! It was great to sit down to a cup of tea and just chill and enjoy being home. Not much else done the rest of the day apart from catching up with blips! And even this one is posted 2 days late(r)!

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