CannyScot's Day

By CannyScot

Cemetery Gates

Ever since we moved to Dundee I have thought these Gates were very imposing. They form the main entrance to Eastern Cemetery, which was formerly known as Eastern Necropolis Cemetery. The Gates were designed by the Dundee architects W Scott and D McKenzie in 1863. The Cemetery itself consists of lots of winding paths and bushes, some of which can be seen just inside the entrance. Although the main road is very busy, there is a quiet peacefulness beyond these Gates.

No doubt many tears have been shed there and many memories stirred on subsequent visits. Nowadays, most people are cremated but, having officiated at countless funerals over the years, I think there is something significant about the final lowering of the coffin into the grave. Where there is a family plot, somehow the thought of the family being together is comforting for many people. However, in these days of families living all over the world and very little ground remaining for new plots, cremation seems to be the only answer, although maybe not as helpful in the grief process.

Having a quiet couple of days before heading to the western Isles for a weeks holiday.

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