An enjoyable walk
It was a picture perfect day today. I decided to take a slow leisurely walk in the sunshine. I walked all through the neighborhood weaving in and out the streets and stopping to take photos along the way. I got some good shots of gardens and flowers but this one had to be the Blip today. A beautiful Peony in the most gorgeous color.
I used to take my iPod with me on walks and listen to music while I walked. I realized that people would not really greet you if they see you wearing your headphones. I guess they do not want to bother you while you are listening. Occasionally you would get the random nod in your general direction but that was it. When I went out today, I did not take my iPod and everyone I passed greeted me. It was nice. People walking dogs said hello (and sometimes so did their dogs), people walking with a friend said good afternoon and other people walking alone said hello too. What a difference it made to be more approachable. Smiling helps too.
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